AltArt Foundation

AltArt contributes to promoting the impact of culture on societal development through research, debates, networking and policy work. AltArt projects involve interactive platforms, interventions in public space, mixed reality events exploring new cultural dimensions through the use of new technologies, workshops, and urban labs. AltArt work deals with topics such as public space, urban regeneration, identity and social relations in digital age and active citizenship. Its aim to generate a critical discourse on democratic values and empowerment. AltArt carried out projects like ACT Democ(k)racy, Artizen, Create to Connect and Pata-Cluj (addressing through culture the social inclusion of Roma). AltArt is founding member of the Fabrica de Pensule/Paintbrush Factory Federation (an independent collective space for contemporary arts) and activates in European initiatives such as Balkan Express and A Soul for Europe.

Rarita Zbranca
Cluj-Napoca, Romania