BURILAR Processos Criativos na Mediação de Públicos CRL

BURILAR – Processos Criativos na Mediação de Públicos CRL, it is a cultural co-op funded in 2018, by a multidisciplinary arts collective - visual arts, performing arts and design; mixing years of work experience and several projects in education and cultural sector. BURILAR come as an answer to a multi-sided call from artistic partners and cultural institutions all over the country, allied with our willingness to develop projects or/and tools that can potentiate cultural mediation in many contexts. For instance, for the second year now, we are coordinating the educational program of Oliva Art Center in São João da Madeira, an industrial city that deals with a peripheral positioning, being a challenging for cultural mediation. We work with a group of art-educators and artists in order to develop research materials and experience them in guided visits, workshops and projects with distinct natures. At this link you find a video showing a “map-object” (one of a collection of three) that poetically cross two dimensions: the real and the imaginary, experienced in a small town Vila de Rei in Portugal.
BURILAR operates in different scales, periods and deepnesses. Developing long-dated projects and punctual projects, driven to a big spectrum of audiences or for specific groups of people, proposing fruition in a single instant and thoughtful awareness experiences. Another example is the “disobedience machine” a mobile installation, in a national museum, with a permanent collection, in order to expand its functions beyond exhibition spaces, so that it becomes a space for collaborative production and action, creating a platform of discussion on issues involving local environment. BURILAR doesn't have just a formula to do things - projects emerge from who cross our way and it´s in this dialogue that projects “chisel”.