
ColaBoraBora is an island between ruling reality and a projected wish. An atoll with its own ecosystem and weather, both favourable for collaboration happening, within the archipelago of Wikitoki and connected to other distributed networks. We are a small tribe of enthusiastic and critical people, curious and committed, with different training, expertise and diverse experiences. A social initiative cooperative, from which we work on redefining the WHATs transforming the HOWs.
Within ColaBoraBora we design and facilitate environments and processes of collaborative innovation focused on people and the contexts to which they belong. We fertilise land that looked barren, so as new opportunities can germinate through connection and hybridisation of the existent and the new to come. We propose new systems and methodologies to modify the usual ways of organisation, production and property. And we do so by combining critical and speculative design from a TRANS perspective, performative and contextual arts, solidary economy and community development.
In order to understand better our job, we invite you to visit some links related to our recent projects that can be of interest within the frame of RESHAPE, such as: KOOPtel a methodological kit to work the preliminary of collaborative processes; TECNOBLANDAS, a research undertaken together with Saioa Olmo about social technologies of relationship, communication and organisation, from the scope of arts and social sciences; sosteVIDAbilidad, a guide of tricks and solutions, carried out with La Quinta Ola, to modify everyday routines and put life in the centre of entrepreneur processes; GESTO-LEER, a methodology of co-creation and collaborative design, based on the balance between individual, collective and common, coming from the body performativity, space and the act of listening-observing; or KULTURSISTEMA, a matrix for the analysis and interpretation of cultural and creative ecosystems, developed with c2+i for KARRASKAN.