Rooftop Theatre

Rooftop Theatre Group is a multicultural organisation that engages diverse topics and activities through the medium of performative art. Rooftop works in an inclusive and collaborative environment aiming to create dialogue and address cultural boundaries; that not only apply to Cyprus but also common cultural themes and global issues that face humanity in our world today.
The core values of Rooftop’s work have always been to face the challenges of a changing culture and society on the island, as well as common global challenges, by enacting through dialogue, theatrical performance and the exploration of personal and cultural identity. This has also included exploring the insights, skills and possibilities needed to live in a multicultural society.
The evolution of Rooftop Theatre Group has brought the group to, not only an island wide presence in Cyprus but to the European and international platform, cooperating and engaging in: cross-cultural projects, performances, workshops, and international festivals.
We thrive on collaboration and exploration of methodologies and practices through various modalities of work, including local, regional and international arts projects.