
Saliva is a project developed by Andrea Rodrigo (Madrid, 1992) & Ainhoa Hernández (Madrid, 1989). Together they think about devices of complicity and other ways of creating meaning and sensibilities. They are involved in contexts such as Performing Arts Forum-PAF (France) and they collaborate with Valentina Desideri & Corazon del Sol. They are interested in artistic research, the curatorial and contemporary choreography. Both of them have a background in Philosophy and Choreography studies and have worked in the production team of dance festivals and spaces. That gives them a strong focus on infrastructure, as they try to find ways of making things possible by creating contexts in which to share practices. They’ve also collaborated with other projects such as: Cale, cale, cale! Caale!!! curated by Juan Canela in Tabakalera, A Possible Strength: Towards a Poietics of Living Together curated by Alfredo Aracil in Reina Sofía Museum and Elsewhere & Otherwise in PAF.
Since 2016 they’ve been involved in a long-term research which has the purpose of being materialized in a range of formats. It emerges from a desire to articulate a series of shared concerns and positions from the perspective of complicity –understood as a form of radical sociability that makes us accompany each other by making us unsafe–, and an interest in finding practices and structures that allow for the production and support of other kinds of knowledge, forms of coexisting and working together, taking into account the sensible. One of the articulations of the project was a program of public activities, that also involved a study group, a radio and an installation that took place in CentroCentro, Madrid. It is a roaming project and we like to delve in the different shapes that it can take depending on the nature of the place where it’s presented be it an independent or institutional space. One of our future dream formats is a festival that will take the shape of an online journal.