Adela Muntean

I am PhD student at BabeČ™-Bolyai University, Doctoral School of Theater and Film, Cinematography and Media domain in Cluj Napoca city, Romania. My research deals with the reinterpretation of immersive media in the digital age in the context of interactive documentary and media art.
In 2016-2017 as a coordinator and curator I have implemented and developed a new media department entitled The Future is Now (2016 | 2017) at Astra Film Festival in Sibiu, showcasing a series of immersive documentary projects made with various technologies and presented on different platforms: interactive 360° webdocs, 360° video and virtual reality projects along with fulldome movies.
In addition to the general public program my selection included specially dedicated programs for children too, that were presented within Astra Film Junior section achieving notable performance: no less than 15,000 school children from Sibiu and the surrounding area had the unique opportunity to watch fulldome movies in the special spherical cinema placed in the city center.
Further I also contributed to the development of the industry program called Documentary Tank inviting professionals within new media field to hold debates and presentations on different topics.
Another successful collaboration was with LPM-Live Performers meeting which brings together an international network of visual artists.