Aidoud Walid

Walid Aïdoud, designer, cultural manager.
- Graduated from the Superior School of Fine Arts of Algiers (ESBA) in interior design (2008).
- Founder of the Box24. It exists to stimulate and facilitate projects and initiatives that foreground art, and experimentation, allowing exchanges and flows between different types and forms of expressions.
This initiative - which began in Algiers in 2008 - gathered a group of young Algerian artists around the idea of autonomy and experimentation in order to create new opportunities for creativity. Several national, regional and international collaborations have enriched this journey and allowed Box24 to become an unavoidable platform for art and experimentation. (focus-maghreb-2016)
Since 2012, Walid Aidoud is a specialised teacher in artistic education at the Fine Arts school of Tipasa, in Algeria. He teaches space design, and this work allows him to be involved within public educational structures in order to create connections and interactions with other schools, in particular with the Sahrawi School for Arts in the refugee camps, of which he is one of the founding members in 2013.
Since 2009, as curator and coordinator of Artifariti (International Arts Encounters in the Liberated Territories of Western Sahara), he works towards encouraging intercultural relations and the exchange of experience and skills between local and international artists from other parts of the world, contributing to raise international awareness of the Sahrawi reality, initiating a reflexion from the world of Art and Culture through direct experiencing of this reality, and promoting the development of the Sahrawi people through their cultural heritage.
He participated at several art and design events (exhibitions, meetings, international biennials), as well as many workshops (design, crafts, photography, sculpture...).