Anna Karpenko

My name is Anna Karpenko. I gratuated from Philosophy Department (Belarusian State University) and have MA in Sociology (with a focus on visual art) from European Humanities University (Vilnius). I'm working as an independent curator, art-manager and researcher in Minsk, Vilnius and Berlin.
My curatorial practice is strongly connected with inclusive practice, gender studies as well as post-colonial issues. Together with my colleagues in Minsk we organised the first contemporary art project focused on the topic of inclusia "Names" (2017). In 2018 I was among initiators and organising team of belarusian-polish project "MATCH" (when art meets history) in parthnership with Adam Mickiewicz Institute. In 2018 I had a sojourn in Berlin Art Institute - an alternative residential project with aim of international cooperation and collaboration.
At this moment I am working under the projects with Canadian performance artist Ewa Waltraud Howes and Sudanian photographer Salah Abdulaziz to rewiew post-colonial stratagies of inclusion and exclusion non-european artists in the european art scene as well as the analysis of contemporary vocabulary of art-world (when it's still actual to write "Nigerian curator" or "Sudanian Photographer". In 2019 I'm among curatorial team who works within the first "Slavs and Tatars" Exhibition in Minsk (curating the parallel program).
Participating in Reshape project is amazing chance to share my professional experience and to collabarate with colleagues from different countries working with the most urgent and contraversial issues. Belarus is not widely known even among the nearest neighbours. My personal issue is to change this.