Catherine Charlety

After having studied foreign languages, expertise and mediation in the arts and culture at the university in Aix-Marseille University, my first work experiences were in Germany and in Egypt. For 15 years, I have been in charge of the administration, production of the organization for an artistic group called Les Pas Perdus based in Marseille.
The “Les Pas Perdus artistic group”, constituted by French and South African visual artists, is part of the collaborative contemporary art movement. Since 1994, in France and on the African continent, the collective initiates and makes works of art with occasional artists. “Occasional artists” are people who come to art for the occasion and are party to common ownership with Les Pas Perdus for a certain while. They are considered as such, as co-authors. They are men and women who have a creative and sensitive relationship with their everyday life, ordinary practitioners met during residencies and immersions of the artistic group. Here are short movies about two projects In a school, a work with parents and children (sadly only in French for the moment) and the teaser of a small project that will take place soon in India.
This very specific collaborative and artistic approach of Les Pas Perdus and their experience are worth to be shared, discussed and promoted. We are also very keen to discover other experiences close to ours to be able maybe to defend collectively common point of view. The reshape project seems to offer a good framework to that purpose: the terms that are used in the presentation text of Reshape “eager to stay true to their values”, ”experiment with different ways of engaging audiences and connecting with other social sectors” have a big echo to us.