Daniela Brasil

I am an artist, activist, facilitator and researcher. I am a member of the Daily Rhythms Artists Collective and have been collaborating with Studio Magic in projects on experimental architecture since 2013. My practice encompasses pedagogical and curatorial strategies, as well as socially engaged artistic practices that use collaboration, playfulness and radical imagination as exercises for active citizenship and tools for people’s empowerment. It focus on the sensitization of participants and stakeholders, through exploratory, transdisciplinary and coalitional learning processes that encourages situated knowledge production forms.
I have co-initiated/ co-curated context-specific projects dealing with issues as ecological literacy, mobility, migration, and cultural diversity, such as “The House of Open Gates” – Steirischer Herbst 2016 With et al; “Aquatopia - the children’s research submarine” - Graz/ Vienna 2013 with IZK/ Kinderbüro. From 2011-18, I was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Graz University of Technology, and in this context I have co-initiated the "Open Modes Network" – public events: (Un)learning Contemporary Art – 2014, Mobile Networks 2015, Creating Synergies 2016, and The Open Classroom, 2018. To start 2019 "on the track", I have just joined an amazing group of un-learners at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, for the opening days of The New Alphabet project.
> degrees
PhD and Master of Fine Arts in Public Art– Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Post-graduation in Environmental Urban Design–CPD Lisboa & Universidad de Barcelona Architect and Urbanist–Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
> languages
fluency in Portuguese, Spanish, English and German/ basic command of Thai, French and Italian