Dia Hamed

Born 1982, studied Art Education, currently working as the director of projects at Medrar which I co-founded in 2005. My practice as an artist went through various disciplines like theater, hand craft, Shadow puppets, Sculpture, Light design and Live Video Performance. My recent works try to tackle the cycle of data transformation between creation in Nature, creation at the artist's level (Myself) and creation machines (Algorithms and computer learning models). I Worked with Rimini Protokol documentary theater company as the assistant director 2009-2012. Being based in Medrar as producer and administrator over the past 12 years, has led me through paths of cultural management in several transnational Networks. i.e Tandem, Robert Bosh and ADEF camps
At certain moments, I could perceive myself as one of the few happy accessing international mobility. Though, I still struggle to navigate my practice between local contexts and global common topics. On the other hand I equally support other local peer unheard practitioners to pursue their journey of exploring other cultures. I believe mobility is a right, prior to it's importance as key mechanism for post-national policies.
My current focus of work in Cairo, is around documenting and archiving contemporary arts in the region and creating accessible systems for researchers and curators to contribute to shared spaces of historical reference.
Read more about the archive here Another project I've founded and managed 2009-2014. My temporary personal portfolio (till I have a published website).