Dupres Marjory

I am trained in the artistic direction of cultural projects with a profile resolutely turned towards international cooperation. My initial training in human and political sciences, then masters, first at Sciences Po Lyon in international transcultural exchange strategies, in Paris VIII, in performing arts and ethnoscenology, and in Paris Nanterre, in sociology applied to cultural engineering and relation to publics. This cultural initiative has allowed me to develop a vision that is both strategic and operational in the field of cultural policies and an interest in projects born and co-built from the ground.
My field of study in South India with artists and local cultural operators allowed me to integrate an anthropological approach. I have an artistic activity and develop my own work, mixing dance and body research with transmedia narratives within the company Jours Dansants. All my work is somehow from intimate to collective and political, research goes from memory and resilience to identity vs alterity.
This cross-cutting approach to the arts, political history and anthropology has made me interested in memory strategies and the affirmation of a cultural identity in post-colonial and post-modern contexts. Committed to cultural democratization, the cultural actions that I develop take the form of in situ laboratories with all audiences that echo the creative process and constitute a pool of sharing and transmission between visual arts, performance and writing workshops.
I intervene punctually as copywriter, playwright and / or outside look and as consultant for missions of advice and accompaniment of production with all artistic and cultural structures independent, public and / or private.