Gosie Vervloessem

My artistic practice is research based. There are outcomes, presentations of the research, but I never create products that can be re-created as they are. My work is about sowing questions and bringing people together around these questions through different formats.
Recipes for Disaster is an ongoing research that focuses on classification and messiness. I’m intrigued by choas, dirt, crossovers, hybrids… It revolves around the question: How can we relate to a non-classifiable world, a world which is chaotic and unhygienic? Recipes for Disaster is a workshop, an online magazine, a market stand, a collective dinner and often it is all these things in the same time. It involves people in different ways and evolves in dialogue with an audience. It pingpongs between the hyper local context of one’s own body, ones own kitchen and through collective storytelling it gets transported to the universe and beyond. The question of scale, time frame and locality get tackled and often blurred.
Deep space navigation – co-digestion as a tool for cruising complexity focuses on eating, digestion and indigestion. It invites people to participate in a process of shared digestion as a tool to better understand the complexity of the world in which we currently live. We start with our own neighbourhood (how to digest your hood with wiring your degistive system to that of your neighbour?) and by interlacing digestive practices, we attempt to re-imagining Planet Earth.
The Hush Hush in the Bush and The Horror Garden is a practice of storytelling. It is a series of stories that describes an ecology of meetings with people working with invasive species about the way we invision our relationship to the plant world. It questions our relation to the vegetal kingdom by collective storytelling and appeals to the genre of horrormovies.