Grzegorz Reske

Grzegorz Reske is freelance curator and producer of performing arts. He is permanent associate of EEPAP. His last years curatorials projects includes “Konfrontacje Teatralne” in Lublin 2013-2017 (together with Marta Keil), “Kalisz Theatre Meetings” 2015-2017, as well as project developed with Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw and Gallery Labirynt in Lublin. Most of curatorial works execute with Marta Keil (within tandem ResKeil), current activities includes also development of new collective organisation Performing Arts Institute. Reske is board member of IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performings Arts. Reske holds MA in History of Arts, as well as Postgraduade studies in Culture Management and Culture Diplomacy. He regurarly teaches in UMCS University of Lublin and SWPS Uniwersity of Warsaw, where develope Ph.D thesis on culture policies