Iva Korbar

I am a researcher of perception possibilities and life in its essences, born 1983, obstinately searching for threshold of existence. My search is happening primarily through text, movement, voice. I graduated in Comparative Literature creating an alive body-text and in sociolinguistics at Scandinavian department both at the University of Zagreb.
My intense engagement in Art Theory during my studies brought me closer to performance arts and since 2012 I have been developing a theatrical conglomerate of knowledge, subknowledge and expression which I named in Croatian Kazalište Nezamislivog (eng. Theatre of Inconceivable – Ti). Since then I practice physical theater and lead author workshops working with space, movement and sound. I was part of several international projects as coach, teacher, performer, sound-therapist, workshop leader, moderator and interpreter. Beside that I am certified psycho-energetic therapist and use this unique knowledge in all of my fields of work.
I will shortly list some of my collaborations: Sound therapy Institute in Zagreb for 3 years, Life-long learning Centre for alternative medicine 3 seasons, The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, Croatian Institute for Migration and Integration, Landart projects with Slovenian UNESCO's Artist for Peace Marko Pogačnik 4 years, Croatian Writer’s Society etc.
Although I carry strong desire for metaphysics and performance arts; life currents, events and existential must-do’s have shaped me into a very playful group leader who possess refine understanding of group dynamics. I work as well as tourist guide for German speaking hiking groups. My performance art has an intimate character. I do intimate, often site-specific one-act plays in nature and interactive theatrical shows. At this link titles of my shows are listed with visual materials provided.