Iwona Konecka

I make specific kind of theatre, which we called "punk theatre of adventure". It was always work of social and political topics in experimental form. In "Teatr Realistyczny" (which I'm working with for last 12 years) we create our performances as a collective without hierarchy. Now I'm also a member of "Kolektyw Polka" - this is also democratic team. We make documentary theatre. For us a first step for artistic work is a research in social fabric. Our first performance called "Spis Kobiet" ("Register of women") is about women's work and it is based on true stories which we get from women from Lublin. I was making a community art in Skierniewice in Lublin. My leading tool are performing arts. I have also a solo which is transdisciplinary. It combines theatre, performance art, video-art and some kind of academic works. It is about links without individual life and system of world's economy.
Now I'm working in publications about theatre. Afterwork I spend many time trying to build community of polish independent theatre. Because of that I am one of the leaders in two regionals communities (in Wrocław - wrot.pl - and in Szczecin's region) and I'm leading communication in the Polish Web of Independent Theatre (Ogólnopolska Offensywa Teatralna). I graduated knowledge about theatre, cultural studies, polish philology and cultural management and two informal academies of theatre.