Javier Rueda Solves

Producer, filmmaker, film exhibitor and film critic, aimed mainly to audiovisual-related projects with strong social and cultural aspects.
- President of Aved Productions since 2003, a non profit cultural association with more than 200 audiovisual projects produced or coproduced, including 13 feature films.
- Founder of Zumzeig Cinecooperativa, an awarded arthouse cinema theatre project created in Barcelona in 2016, as a non profit cooperative with more than 300 associates.
- Jury in international cinema festivals and co-author of two cinema-essay books.
With Aved Productions, I collaborated with many non-profit cultural projects and organizations, working in national and international projects (documentaries, educational animation videos for children, international cooperation, ...). I also supported many young artists, producing their first works and organizing free entrance workshops and courses.
With Zumzeig Cinecooperativa we have established collaboration and inter-cooperation with hundreds of cultural entities, in the city and abroad. We also co-organized lots of events with activist entities and collectives to raise the visibility of problems and injustices, creating debate and awareness.
Having been born and grown up in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of my city, I started working in a food market when I was fourteen, while studying at the school and afterwards at the university (Telecommunications Engineering). As soon as my social awareness started growing -most of time through art, as it was the only window I had towards humanistic knowledge and diversity- I realized that the cultural/artistic expressions were the most effective way to transmit ideas, emotions and values, being a powerful weapon to transform society. And this beliefs forced me to start contributing to them when I realized too that they were being used in a mainstream way exactly for the opposite, to eliminate diversity and to distract people from thoughts and critic analisis.