Kathrin Hrusanova

Kathrin Hrusanova is a creative manager working as a freelancer and based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Currently, she is the chairperson of ACT “Association of Independent Theatre” (since June 2016) and executive festival director of ACT “Festival of independent theatre” (from 2015). She was engaged with an organisation of various cultural projects, such as 8 annual editions of the ACT Festival, co-productions iNViSiBLE REPUBLiC: #stilllovingtherevolution 2018, Oratorio 2017, IETM plenary meeting in Sofia 2014; “Green mural” campaign (2014), co-productions “Cinderellas Ltd.”, “QUARK TIME”, “IMAGINING AMERICA and etc. She has an international experience as a project management assistant at “The Drama League of New York” in 2016. Kathrin was project manager and coordinator at Contemporary Alternative Art & Culture Organization – “36 Monkeys” (2013 – 2016).