Luis Fernandes

Graduated in Psychology and Art-Therapy studies, he has a Master's Degree in Documentary Cinema and has carried out studies in Ethnomusicology in New University of Lisbon. Works as a freelance musician and filmmaker and is an active member of the Glocalmusic cooperative.
He has participated in several projects of artistic education in the community from 2001 to 2016, highlighting the projects: "Being a Child" (working with and within the community in Sobralinho), "I Feel, so I Exist" (Developing activities in social communities for Prevention on Drug Addiction), "I am Already Imagining my creation" (Intervention in school space in Neighborhood "Fim do Mundo" of S. João do Estoril). From 2006-2010 he worked on primary schools with music expression, from 2011-2014 he runs a series of workshops about music and interpersonal relationships into the cultural program TEIAS. Recently, as collaborate in a Community Art Project called "The Planisphere of Interculturality" held in Monte da Caparica, through Art Center "Casa da Cerca" from Almada, and he start a project with Glocalmusic for the program Erasmus + (2018-2020) for inclusive Art.