Mohab Saber Masoud

I am an Egyptian Producer and Curator with 12 years of wide experience in the Euro Mediterranean region, as well as the MENA region. I have a long commitment to the non-profit cultural sector, with an intensive focus on performing arts training, production and research. I worked before in well-established international organizations, as Ashoka (U.S) for social entrepreneurship, I am also the President of Calypso for Arts & Culture; an INGO based in Brussels.
I am currently the Executive Director of ElMadina for Performing and Digital Arts, a cultural organization based in Alexandria since 2000, works on transforming public spaces into spaces where people can practice free expression, creating a cohesive social environment characterized by diversity. I’ve obtained a BA of Law/English Department from Alexandria University: as well as studying another BA of Arts/Theatre Department. Beside that I’ve participated in many regional trainings and networking workshops in the MENA region, Europe and the U.S, in addition of my membership in various networks that include most of the culture and art operators in the Arab region and the Euro Mediterranean, as U40 network for culture diversity. I am as well a member of Tandem and Robert Bosch networks for art managers. I have also developed different publications addressing art in public spaces and creative industries.
My work experience is about using arts for the promotion of freedom of expression, citizenship and the value of arts in community development. I have designed and managed a large-scale street theater projects defending minority rights as well as women in certain contexts. Organizing training programmes were artists and common people in public spaces can practice storytelling, modern dance and multimedia to explore new venues in marginalized neighborhoods turning them into spaces for practicing arts. Street Carnival | Sawp Project | Training in the street