Mónica Papamija Urbano

I am a Colombian industrial designer who studied in La Universidad Javeriana, in Bogotá-Colombia. My career emphasis was done on aesthetics and culture; two main supports that enabled me to accomplish a Master’s degree of Arts in Gender, Media and Culture in Goldsmiths, London University (UK), which was based in feminist and queer theory. Throughout my life journey and professional career, I have participated in different projects of art democratization and social development. My initial approach to these types of projects took place due to being raised by a family that actively practiced liberal politics. While studying design I collaborated with architecture students in projects of social, economic and democratic renewal in different villages of Colombia affected by civil war and some projects in Madrid-Spain (el-campo-de-cebada-la-ciudad-situada)
My passion for feminist interventions whic made me an active political actor and also gave me the chance to participate two years in the Transmaking project, which aims to foster the links between art and culture, economy and democracy, at EU level and beyond. Collaborating in projects like The London Feminist Film Festival, and Infobibliotecas (Madrid) have also influenced work.
I consider design, architecture and other artistic practices can open conversations framing democratization. I believe that living in eight different cities across the world has also given me the opportunity to comprehend this in a transnational and multicultural scale. I am certain that due to all of the above I will enrich the experience of others participating in the Reshape projects, as well as I am eager to learn and impregnate myself with their knowledge and ideas. I look forward to building new artistic paths together towards equality and human rights advocacy.