Niya Pushkarova

˝Nia Pushkarova is a multimedia artist, curator and founder of Water tower art fest. In her work, she deals with issues connected to feminism, localism, geopolitics, while she connects conceptual and political oriented practice with moments of autobiographical and poetic. Moreover, no matter if she creates personal artwork or organizes big scale events, interconnected with contemporary art like festivals and residencies, she is consistent in her strivings for experimenting trough different mediums, images and issues, which lead to extremely personal revelations.” Nadejda Djakova – Curator and Director of SAMCA – Sofia Arsenal Museum of Contemporary arts
She had numerous of participations both as an artist and organizer across the world, most recent are: A juror of 21st International show at “Woman made gallery”, Chicago, 2018; Nakanojo Biennale, Japan 2017; Participation at PARABIOSIS 3, ”Communication and co-existence”, Chongqing, China, 2016; Participation at Mexico, Coahuila “RAYA EN EL AGUA”.
EDUCATION: 1991-1995 BA in Fine arts, Reading University, UK, 1985-1989 Trojan Collage of Arts, specializing ceramics
QUALIFICATIONS: BA Honors in Fine Arts ICCM, Salzburg, Austria – art management diploma