Oksana Maslova

Oksana Maslova is project-coordinator and journalist. Experience in media – 21 years, in PR – 11 years. In 2012 she co-owned the first Odessa popular citizen journalism project about Culture and Society on the South of Ukraine – The Culturemeter. In those years, the theme of culture was not popular. Creating such a media was a risky experiment. Colleagues warned - no one will ever read about culture, it is a whim. However, without the financial support of oligarchs or grants, the Culturtmeter has existed for 6 years. Now Culturemeter has more then 500 000 visitors per year and provides informational support for festivals and creative individuals.
Oksana believes that art is the most powerful tool of society transformation. That is why Oksana personally advises cultural projects - how to become more visible to the widest possible audience.
In 2018, Oksana became the initiator and co-curator of the first in Ukraine festival of contemporary arts in the classic museum “Children in the Museum”. For 10 days of the 25 events - the creation of art objects from the garbage, contemporary choreography in the classical halls, art-psychological self-help practices for teenagers and much more. The festival had a significant response. And held without any funding. Oksana acted as a fundraiser and attracted partners - painted gingerbread and houses for children, hundreds of PlayMobil toys, canvases, professional drawing materials.
In 2019, Oksana initiated a project to restore the kindergarten. The walls of the state kindergarten were peeling off. Oksana has attracted a street-art artist who works in the style of geometric abstraction. Now he is creating a sketch on the whole wall. For the artist, it’s the opportunity to realize oneself, to get a huge wall. For the garden - help in the repair and aesthetic education. For children - the opportunity to touch and understand modern art.