Oscar Martinez Ciuró

For 6 years, coordinate the MakerConvent space. I have designed both the space and the pedagogical methodology that is used. I participate in European projects in the field of education maker, such as Formalab, DeclicIN or Makerspaces for Inclusion. I work with artists and children to bring artistic practices closer to our citizens. (for example: Emotional Lights). I have promoted and edited the book "Deconstructing the manifesto maker" that tries to make an educational approach to the maker movement.
I have participated in the Barcelona MakerFaire for 2015, 2017 and 2018, and in Saba TIC 2016 in Sabadell as curator of activities. At Sonar + D I coordinate the Littlebits booth and perform the Littlebits music experience workshop. I have created the MakerCamps for children and young people in Barcelona, holiday time activities, which are already going through its 6th edition. Coordinate the team and STEAM activities of the project #estasON of BCNActiva in the Libraries of Barcelona.