Pasquale Direse

Artist, interactive media designer, independent and performative researcher. Founder, artistic director, curator and organizer of international cultural events and art exhibitions. CEO at, the Italian first-mover company producing authentic and site-specific formats of New Media Public Art as peculiar flux of a wider research on the interaction, mediated by art, among people, public spaces and emergent technologies.
P. D. is professor of the Methodology of the public art design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna and formerly docent of new media related subject matters at academies and universities in Italy and abroad. MFA in Interactive media and environments, doctor in Arts and Sciences of the Spectacle, he explores the possibility to address the emergence of the computing technologies towards a co-creative and generative public action expressed through the ludic, responsible, aware and sensible participation.
His urban interactive installations present the "audience" as active and creative, necessary, presence for the artwork's flux. This transforms selected urban spaces into inedited narrative places where citizens, urban travelers, passengers transform the inert architecture into alive matter animated by a playful, emotional, multisensory action made together with the others.
A collective “computing”, mediated by art, allowing to “think” and act together by the most powerful mainframe available, our intelligence shared by contact, true interconnection and real social networking, relation, presence. A deviation from the unaware and ethero-directed overload of data produced by “personal computing”. The artist explores new ways of use of the digital and communication’s technologies: paths to overcome, or at least contain, the solipsism and the “coldness” of being “connected” behind the safe and cozy border of images projected by screens.