Pavel Štorek

Pavel Štorek (born 1968 in Prague) studied at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. Since 1996, he has been the artistic director of 4+4 Days in Motion International Performing Arts Festival in Prague, most recently he was also a curator of the Czech architecture section of the Prague Quadriennal 2011, and conceived and realised site-specific projects, co-produced international artists in the field of contemporary theatre, dance, music and mew media in the framework of the Four Days Association. He has worked in the Arts and Theatre Institute / International Co-operation Department since 2008. Four Days Association is the non-profit, non-governmental association which since 1996 has organized the international performing arts festival 4+4 Days in Motion and has also arranged number of unique international projects and cultural exchanges. Four Days has organized 23 international theatre festivals, workshops with lectors from European countries, international site specific projects, co-production projects with other European organisations, seminars, membership in international associations and organisations, and consultation activities in the field of cultural management. The dramaturgy of which explores both the artist of dance and movement theatre and the artist of visual and kinetic art.