Petar Todorov

Born on 16 April 1965 (BG).
Education: • MA course of Theatre directing at National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia/Bulgaria(1988-93) • Post-graduate course of Arts management at New Bulgarian University (1993-94)
• Founder and Artistic director of Pro Rodopi Art Centre in Bostina (BG), member of Trans Europe Halles since 2006, established by Pro Rodopi Foundation in 2004
• Independent theatre and dance director and producer, working for various companies in different countries Bulgaria, Slovenia, Sweden, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Turkey etc (since 1992)
• Leadership of theatre, dance and playwrighting workshops in Serbia, UK, Italy, Greece, Australia, Mongolia, Norway, USA, Slovenia etc (since 1996)
• Touring incl. Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Albania, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Czech republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, UK, Israel, USA, Morocco, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Australia, Singapore, Russia, China etc
• Founder and director of Aquarius Era festival of Bulgarian Dance, Visual and Physical theatre, held in Bourgas/Bulgaria (next Oct 2019)
• Founder and director of 'Adults Forbidden' International Performing Arts festival for Children and Youth Audience (next Oct 2019)
• Representative for Bulgaria of World and Europe Interplay network of young playwrights since 2004
• Member of the Executive commitee of Trans Europe Halles (2007-11)
• Co-director of Theatre in a Suitcase International Theatre festival, held in Sofia and Bourgas/Bulgaria (1997-2007)
• Artistic leadership of New Forms Theatre – one of the first independent Bulgarian theatre companies (1992-2001)
• Artistic co-leadership of the international physical theatre Arepo Group (2004-06)
• Producer at Ops! Production Ljubljana (2000-2006)
• Artistic and executive director of Sliven State Drama Playhouse/Bulgaria (1998)