Sabell-Christina Fabian

Sabell-Christina Fabian (1987)
Originally from Vienna, I am a Ljubljana based Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Art Director and Producer. After finishing my studies as a Graphic and Multimedia designer, I worked for many years as Junior Art Director for the local Graphic Design Office schultz+schultz-Mediengestaltung, interacting mainly with clients from the cultural and social sector like Wiener Konzerthaus, Sammlung Essl, ZARA-Verein für Zivilcourage & Amnesty International. Four years ago I decided to leave Vienna behind me and headed for new adventures to Ljubljana, Slovenia. There I met the beautiful people of art collective Hupa Brajdic Produkcija. First we bonded just as friends but soon we connected also on an artistic level.
As a designer I produce all the visual material we need for our performances, events, exhibitions and movies. But also the world of performance and theater opened up to me. I also started to produce and direct exhibitions and art residencies for foreign artists and through this exchange completely new perspectives, projects and visions started to evolve. Recently I directed and produced a performance of Hupa Brajdic within a bigger scaled Art Spectacle called “No Disco Behind” with Gerhard Fresacher in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. In our performative work we are thinking out of the box. We dont play for the spectators, but pull them with us into a parallel world. The borders of play and reality are melting.
These days I am devoting my time and work to the inner and outer structures of the collective. My aim is to improve our internal working practices as well as to open up international collaborations and projects on a bigger scale.