Saioa Olmo Alonso

I am interested in the mysterious beings that people are: with their manias, passions, patterns of behaviour and unpredictability… and above all the way they relate to each other and the context in which they move. That’s why I focus more in social interactions than in personal matters.
My artistic practice revolves around group behaviour. I propose situations where participants are given certain guidelines and then the event is open to their wishes, reactions and improvisations. I like to experiment with the artist losing control over the initial plan.
My attention towards human relationships comes from understanding that the principles that shape our social structures in a macro scale, are quite similar to the ones that people have and reproduce in the micro scale of the everyday life: games of domination and submission, drives of attraction and repulsion, attitudes of attachment and admiration, addictive and convulsive tendencies, sadist pleasures and masochistic redemptions… I try to approach them from the disruptive field of art to unveil the array of power relationships.
I have been working about “cultural identity”, “gender & feminism” and “mechanisms of desire” through collaborative and participative processes with the public. Having worked on these areas from the thematic, I am now delving into how these systems work from a structural point of view, paying attention to collective behaviour.
After a large artistic creation in the Basque Country on participatory art, I have recently defended my Phd “TRANSART. Collaborative art practices, relational technologies and social performativity”, and trying to open my artistic career to an international sphere. | | | | | | |