Sara Gurevitsch

I am a dance artist, born in 1986, who started dancing in 1989 and has been working as a dancer since 2006. I did my BA in dance in the Statens Scenekunst skole in CPH, Denmark (2013), where I studied under the artistic leadership of Jeremy Nelson. I practiced with Susan Rethorst, Lance Gries, Barbara Mahler, Judith Sanches-Ruiz and Kirstie Simson.
I did my MA in Arts (choreography) in the Theteracademy of Finland (2018), Dry storm, (pw Drystorm18) and I studied with i.e. artists Jennifer Lacey, Benoit Lachambre and Jeroen Peeters. My company experience is with an Australian choreographer Russel Dumas’s Dance Exchange. I have studied sociology and dance, in the University of Arizona, as a Fulbright scholar, 2007-2009. There I accumulated my interest towards somatic practices and alternative ways of choreography.
As my newest hobby, I have taken law courses, in the Open University of Helsinki. It has happened weird-organically, how my work as a choreographer has taken me to study law. To me it translates as an interest towards the structures of a state, which seem to be distancing from the socially complex and ambiguous tones of life, that contemporary life consists of. The spectrum of life is immanent in artistic practices. How to then encourage understanding of and promote the value of art in social fabric? This is a question, that resonates with my interests of accessibility and politics of affect-body. I think it is also a question of labor and discussion how artists are accommodated when they are not working in or with a production. And how it actually could benefit the socio-economical structures, when they are not. Through my experiences in the field of arts, I feel that the production possibilities can only benefit some and I am keen on finding alternative ways of making things happen for the ones who are not part of those chosen 'some’.