Sarah Hendrickx

Sarah Hendrickx (°1990) obtained her master in Arts and master after master in Artistic Research at the St Lucas University College of Art & Design in Antwerp. Her final thesis dealt with the duality of the human brain and the influence of its left and right impulses on the artist’s creativity. In 2017, Hendrickx started her doctoral research in Arts at the University of Antwerp in which she founded the fictive bureau meandmywork. A bureau that investigates how creativity works in different social contexts and tries to come up with new ways of enhancing our creative abilities, indicating the many issues regarding bureaucracy and the neo-liberal system towards creativism.
Since June 2018 Hendrickx works together with artist Thierry Mortier on the project 51%, a project which was founded with support by Kunstenpunt. 51% wants to get the financial majority share of the art sector in the hands of artists with an active practice. Across all sectors (visual arts, performative arts, music). The goal is to get artists, with an active practice, to execute 51% of all paid functions in the cultural landscape. Based on the willingness of both the artists and the organizations that form the cultural landscape.