Sarah Parolin

I work as an independent producer in the field of performing arts since 10 years and I joined SPIN in 2014 as production and management support for Kate McIntosh projects. We have been touring and presenting work together ever since. I apply on the name SPIN, as we would like to join the network as a collective of artists and cultural workers.
SPIN is Brussels-based. SPIN is artists Hans Bryssinck, Diederik Peeters, Kate McIntosh, administration key-master Laura Deschepper - and the many collaborators they work with. SPIN is a collaboration of artists and art-workers to support the artistic trajectory as a whole and encourage collective reflection around the role of art and the artists in society. SPIN is self-organized; the artists and art-workers are together responsible for all the aspects of the organization. SPIN is based on collective autonomy; solidarity that strengthens the individual autonomy through the sharing of time, support, experience, network, content dialogue and reflection. SPIN is a playground. SPIN is an open and diverse ecology of connections and collaborations amongst artists, organizations, institutions and audiences. SPIN is a way to transcend the project-based reality and develop a long-term perspective for artistic practice. SPIN is a mess. SPIN is a mobile entity that is constantly reinvented and reconstructed as we move along. SPIN is an experiment in new models of collaboration, reflection and production. SPIN is a critically-positive alternative - a compact, sustainable and flexible model in the context of an arts field and society that is finding itself in a fundamental transition. SPIN is structurally funded by the Flemish Government (2015-2016) and the Flemish Community Commission (2015).