Simona Dvorakova

After obtaining a professional master degree 2 in "Contemporary art and its exhibition" at the Sorbonne University in Paris and participating in many independent curatorial activities, I developed my career around being a curator of contemporary art, such as in the National Gallery in Prague or Center Pompidou in Paris (Contemporary and Prospective Creation Department). During my last job at the Musée National Picasso-Paris, I participated in research on the exhibition "Calder-Picasso".
Based on these experiences I co-founded a curatorial platform called "ex situ", where I am currently working with international artists. In this project that is part of a European network, we organize many exhibitions, performances and events, but also a collective exhibition called "Movimiento of (por) si mismo" in Cuba. The exhibition consists of Latin American, French and Czech artists, and it is a part of the Biennale-off of Contemporary Art in Havana in 2019. I started this platform as I am deeply interested in decentralization of art, the exploration of European territory, but also aspects related to identities, movements, flows, to the specificities of exhibition spaces.
The RESHAPE project is a perfect example of modern structure aiming in alternative models of collaboration, work with the public and its environment. I appreciate the using of experimental process and tools to support artistic practice.