Stephanie Hanna

Stephanie Hanna works process-oriented and situation-specifically with audio, video, performance, participative artistic projects and actions as well as spatial and shifting installations. She likes to invite the participation of an unknown other into her process of creation. That other can be people she did not know before, or coincidence, also materials she "listens" to. This is one of her various approaches to question conventional hierarchies in art-making. In 2017, she wrote "a depowerment manifesto. artistic attitudes and practices to fairly rebalance the world", to sum up some motivations and starting points for depowering certain hierarchies and traditions she thinks we are too fixed upon. The divide between consumer and producer in the arts is one of them. You can find the book as a pdf here.
Stephanie studied Theater Design (stage and costume) in Berlin and in the Netherlands and art in social contextualization, with a focus on community arts projects, New Genre Public Art and cultural work with youth in Berlin. She received a BA Theatervormgeving at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht in the Netherlands in 2001 and the M.A. „Art in Context“ at the University of the Arts in Berlin in 2006.
From 2005 until 2012, she realized the participative art project senior street art, facilitating workshops and participative actions around graffiti and street art for people above 50 years at diverse community centers, and also at venues as Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, Autostadt Wolfsburg, ibk kubia at Akademie Remscheid. Media publications in Die Zeit, art – das Kunstmagazin, de:bug, 3Sat / ZDF Kultur, IlSole24Ori, Spiegel Online – international edition, Hemispheres – Blog and In-Flight Magazine of United Airlines and many more.
From 2011 until 2018, she curated unannounced performances and shifting installations in a department store window, Donau Ecke Ganghofer, in Berlin, Neukölln.