Tânia Guerreiro

First studied Scenography on Superior School of Theatre and Cinema, finished in Barcelona in Institut del Teatre. Complemented the formation with the course of Production of Dance of Forum Dança. Producer since 1999, worked in the fields of theatre, dance and cinema. In the areas of production of structures of creation, worked in Re.Al (João Fiadeiro), Jangada de Pedra (Aldara Bizarro), Sensurrond (Lúcia Sigalho). Have worked in festivals such has Festival Atlantico (producer), Alkantara Festival (RP), Temps d’Images Festival - Portugal (Communication and Fundraising) and in spaces of programmation such as Casa d’os Dias da Água, ZDB and Transforma. The last two years worked as a coordinator in Rede – Association of Structures for Portuguese Contemporary Dance - promoting dance and the defense of the interest of dance, and the professional arts field.
Since 2009 created PI – Produções Independentes (Independent Productions), a platform for independent producers and in 2012 began a collaboration with Transforms in Torres Vedras, which develops programming activities.
Since 2014 is Directior of Independent Productions, continuing the work with the creator Rui Catalão, who started 2010 as well as accompanying the work of other artists and more punctual projects. Between 2016 and 2017 was president of REDE. In 2017 created the association Orgia - Organization, Research and Arts to give support to emerging artists and organization of creative programs. In 2018 was jury of “Curtas de Dança” for the DDD festival.
Won the Natércia Campos Award for Best Cultural Producer 2017.