Toni Gonzalez

I was born in Tortosa (Catalonia - Spain) and educated in Barcelona as Industrial Engineering and Actor. Consultant for the mobility in the arts and internationalization of culture based in Barcelona. With 25 years of experience in the arts sector. I prepare and support arts organisations in their internationalisation.
I’m a member of the board of IETM (Informal European Theatre Meeting) and accredited consultant on internationalisation by ICEX-Next and IVACE. I have been expert of the “Creative Europe” programme of the European Commission, vice-president of the “Asociación de Profesionales de la Gestión Cultural de Catalunya” (cultural managers Catalan association), co-founder and vice-president of the international network of performing arts markets “EurAm Bourse” and co-founder of Comedia Network, for the promotion and dissemination of culturally diverse performing arts make in Europe.
As a consultant, I developed the methodology “Routes of Internationalisation”, for performing arts companies’ assessment and internationalisation strategic plans. In the last 4 years I have mentored around 20 companies and structures such as: “Nau Ivanow”, “Kukai Dantza”, “Basque Country Dance Association”, “La Petita Malumaluga”, etc. I have carried out workshops on arts internationalization, in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián, Sevilla), Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde.
I also make research on international cultural policies and advice best practices in managing arts projects and cultural institutions (most of my researches and reports can be downloaded here).
I was artistic director of the festival “Barcelona Street Arts” within the fiestas de La Mercè de Barcelona (from 1998 to 2003), artistic director of the Three Wise Kings Parade of Barcelona (2002 and 2003), project coordinator of NAUMON by La Fura dels Baus (2003-2004) and, for eight years, member of the direction team of the Feria de Teatro de Tàrrega (from 1991 to 1998).