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4D Catch up session by Reshapers and FARO: Eduardo Bonito, Lala Deheinzelin, Livia Diniz, Isabel Ferreira, Katarina Pavic and Claire Zerhouni.
What if we could look at these last two years through lenses that allow us to perceive changes in a multidimensional perspective? Understanding them from a cultural, environmental, social, and economical point of view? Between the escalation of the climate crisis and the pandemic, which factors have shown to be important? We will collectively reflect with fellow Reshapers, finally together, in a session that also prepares us to better benefit from RESHAPE’s evaluation process. Starting with a keynote by Lala Deheinzelin, creator of the method that combines futuring and 4D perspective, we will understand its application on organisational and individual levels and how FARO, an Iberoamerican community interested in developing new metrics for contemporary culture, has deeply developed the 4D concepts concerning cultural initiatives. Then, we part to different spaces which will each be assigned to one of the 4D dimensions, the core of the Fluxonomy 4D method and the framework to RESHAPE’s Evaluation Toolkit; where cultural, environmental, social and economic criteria and data visualisations, help strengthen organisations and individuals around their purpose, expected results and decision making.