Bojana Kunst

Bojana Kunst is a professor and director of the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies / ATW – Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany, where she leads the International MA in Choreography and Performance. Bojana Kunst graduated in 1994 from Philosophy and Comparative Literature at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts and finished her doctoral thesis in Philosophy at the University in Ljubljana in the year 2002. She lectured and organised seminars, workshops and laboratories in different academic institutions, theaters, artistic organisations across Europe, and working continuously with the independent artistic initiatives, artists, groups and activists. She is a member of the editorial board of Maska Magazine, Amfiteater and Performance Research.
Bojana Kunst's research interest is contemporary performance and dance, arts theory and philosophy of contemporary art. She studies performance in relation to politics and economy, through the lens of feminist and postcolonial studies. Her interest lies in the political aspects of contemporary art, especially in the examination of value, privilege and labour and institutional dimension of art.