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Alice Smits
Amsterdam, NetherlandsI am the initiator and artistic director of Zone2Source, a platform for art, nature and technology in the Amstelpark in Amsterdam. We invite artists for regular exhibitions, talks, workshops and excursions in which new imaginations on nature-culture relations are being developed in the parks pavillion and outdoor spaces. With Zone2Source I am ...
View full profile →Amber Bloos
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Gent, BelgiumAmber Bloos (1992, NL) studied Cultural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. She began at Company New Heroes as an intern internationalization, during that period she wrote her thesis: ‘Why we need New Heroes now, Company New Heroes and their project “In Search of Europe” placed in the era of meta-modernism’. After ...
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Angeliki Tzortzakaki
Amstedam, Netherlands; Milano, Italy; Athens, GreeceI am a cultural researcher and worker mainly specialized in Time-Based Arts and particularly interested in practices related to labour, public space, hospitality and the commons. I hold a BSc in Business Management from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and an MFA in Visual Cultures and Curatorial Practices from the Brera ...
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Ann Cassano
Amsterdam, NetherlandsI am a cultural anthropologist. Over a decade I’ve worked for and with refugees on EU policy and on grass-roots level. In the last four years I’ve mainly coordinated projects where refugee-artists and -crafts people cooperated with established local artists and cultural organisations. I often noticed all of us started out w...
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Chang Sun
Amsterdam, NetherlandsI am an artist organizing events and programs. I grew up in China and am currently based in Amsterdam. As a person trained as an artist from a young age, I studied and worked in the art fields in Beijing, London, New York, Amsterdam, Leipzig and Athens. I also have experienced different fine arts discourses through a variety of educational and...
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Chiara Scolastica Mosciatti
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Greece, ItalyIn Perugia (IT) I studied European History and Archives and I was an author for radio and theather. I moved to Amsterdam and I had an internship at Centrum of Visual Art Zuidoost. Interested on politically-driven artists practicing inclusion, I wrote a series of biographical essays...
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Eva Pyrnokoki
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Athens, GreeceI was born in Athens [GR]. I studied dance, theatre and I have a master’s degree in fine arts. My art mainly expresses itself through performance with the aim of discovering the body as a symbolic, poetic and metaphorical entity. My research focuses on the value of art as a Bio-Psycho-Social Practice and the strong bond between art, sacr...
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Geke Oosterhof
Amsterdam, NetherlandsMy history is: study at the AKI, a revolutionary Dutch Art Academy, in the eighties. Then a career as a costume designer for film and theatre. In new century, I changed from activities to: organizing art and intercultural projects in and outside the Netherlands. In 2016, I was the founder of Newest Art Organiza...
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Ingrid Vranken
Brussels, Belgium; Amsterdam, NetherlandsAfter completing my masters in Theatre Studies at the University of Antwerp and Freie Universität Berlin, I worked as a dramaturg and producer. Rethinking collaborations and the ethics of artistic production has been a red thread throughout my work. As a past core member of Bâtard Festival (a volunteer run festival focussing on emer...
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Judith Schoneveld & Jette Schneider
Rotterdam, NetherlandsJudith Schoneveld & Jette Schneider both started out as artists – visual art, dance- and have since separately organized and founded multiple initiatives to empower artists in their creation and practise. In 2014 we founded Transistor Foundation together and collaborate in shaping working conditions and tools for (performing) artists...
View full profile →Justina Nekrašaitė
Amsterdam, NetherlandsBetween 2014 and 2017, I worked as Head Curator at Bookstore Space in Amsterdam West. I initiated and hosted various solo exhibitions with national and international artists. As an experiment, I dedicated her living room in my rented apartment to bringing artists and audience together; creating a programme that saw the intersection of...
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Matías Daporta
Madrid, Spain; Amsterdam, NetherlandsFrom the very beginning of my studies in performance art in Amsterdam my interest moved from finding ways of offering a new aesthetic or emotional experience to the audience, to how to develop new mechanisms of attention and propose alternative way to encounter each other in a cultural space. In Amsterdam I discovered the squat movemen...
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Melih Gencboyaci
Amsterdam, Netherlands; The Hague, Netherlands; Rotterdam, Netherlands; Istanbul, Turkey ; Brussels, BelgiumMelih Gencboyaci, was born 1977 in Germany. While studying economics and acting in Turkey. Later, he studied at Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Mime departement in The Netherlands. Since 2008, he has been an active member of fruitful and tender collaborations: Schwalbe and Copycats. He was one of the co-founders and engaged in developi...
View full profile →Merel Smitt
Rotterdam, Netherlands; Amsterdam, NetherlandsI’m an artist in the performing arts. In 2014 I graduated in directing from the theateracademy Maastricht. I build theatrical installations and interventions in the public space. My work is site-specific and the audience, knowingly and unknowingly, participates in various ways being actively present and co-creating with me. I hijack, exp...
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Michela Trovato Giancardillo
Amsterdam, NetherlandsI’m a curator and producer in a young residence for artists in Amsterdam, and I work mainly with recently graduated artists from various disciplines. Before I started to work for WOW Amsterdam, I’ve obtained a bachelor degree in Art History and preservation of the cultural heritage at the University of Florence, a master in Cultura...
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Naomi van Dijck
Glasgow, United Kingdom; Amsterdam, NetherlandsArtist and curator Naomi van Dijck explores ways of producing differently and how we can learn from existing structures to do so. Research within her artistic practice reflects on the act of learning as an ecology, grounded in her experience within museum education and her experimental secondary education. Her practice is committed to ...
View full profile →Pavel Kovalski
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Wroclaw, PolandThe first memory of art that I have brings my grandpa back to life. He took photos for decades and developed them wonderfully in his mobile darkroom. That one day he gave me his camera to play around. The neckstrap was too long for a boy my height, so it was flying all over the place. When I was running in the park, the camera hit me in the he...
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Silvia Bottiroli
Amsterdam, NetherlandsSilvia Bottiroli is a curator, researcher and organizer in contemporary performing arts. Silvia obtained a Ph.D. in Visual and Performing Arts at Pisa University. She is currently the new director of DAS (the old DasArts) in Amsterdam. Silvia Bottiroli is author of numerous writings about the XX Century and contemporary theatre and dance ...
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Sun Chang
Amsterdam, NetherlandsI am an artist organizing events and programs. I grew up in China and am currently based in Amsterdam. As a person trained as an artist from a young age, I studied and worked in the art filed in Beijing, London, New York, Amsterdam, Leipzig and Athens. I also have experienced different fine arts discourses through a variety of educatio...
View full profile →Szymon Adamczak
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Warszawa, Poland; Poznań, PolandMy name is Szymon Adamczak (born 1991). In my hometown Poznań I had been studying humanities within liberal arts program. In 2011 altogether with my peers I formed, kolektyw 1a, a grassroot venue and organization advocating for emerging artists and city activists run based on democr...
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Amsterdam, Netherlandsmake | space | public TAAK researches, develops and realizes new forms of art in the public domain and alternative ways of commissioning. We collaborate with artists, citizens, special interest groups, governments, funds, and institutions – and respond to societal tasks that may lead to an art project. We bring urgent questions t...
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Yan Duyvendak
Geneva, Switzerland; Groningen, The NetherlandsOriginally from the Netherlands, I live in Geneva. Trained at the École cantonale d’art du Valais and the École supérieure d'art visuel de Genève. Since 1995, I have produced a chain of creations and performances at major European venues and beyond. My latest creations, dealing with the notion of citiz...
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Zuzanna Nazaruk
Rotterdam, NetherlandsI’m a student, creator, manager. I spent the last 3 years pursuing a bachelor in Management of International Social Challenges while simultaneously building up my path as a performance artist and an art manager. The result is KONTRA: an initiative run by me and my partner, that tries to explore the boundaries of artmaking in Rotterdam. B...
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