Marina Urruticoechea

We are 3 interconnected networks of cultural agents located in the Basque Country, in the city of Bilbao, with common,complementary objectives and shared strategic lines (Wikitoki is a partner of Sarean, Sarean and Wikitoki are in turn partners of KARRASKAN).
We work in a context marked by de-industrialisation, economic restructuring to services and tourism, with cultural policies that are heavily influenced by the Guggenheim effect and CCIs. Within this framework, our mission is to promote innovative, collaborative and sustainable formulas to manage artistic practices and cultural action in a way that is transdisciplinary, contextual and aimed at transformation through participation.
The person participating in Reshape is Marina Urruticoechea, a cultural manager with knowledge of all 3 networks: she is coordinator of Sarean, participates in the Space Exchange Network and the Wikitoki Residences and is a member of Karraskan.
Karraskan is a professional association for the promotion of innovation in culture and the culture of innovation. It’s a network that includes agents, spacesnd aprogrammes related to contemporary creation and applied creativity, from a perspective of dialogue, cross-cutting approaches and hybridisation among different fields and disciplines.
Wikitoki is a laboratory of collaborative practices among cultural action, social innovation, community development, solidarity economy and free, open and soft technologies. Wikitoki is a place for PRODUCTION (creation, work, activism, research), RE-PRODUCTION (social, relational) and CULTURAL DISSEMINATION (education, exhibition).
Sarean is a communitary cultural space based in San Francisco, Bilbao.We program interdisciplinary activities to promote the work of local artists and to contribute to intercultural coexistence in the neighbourhood.We also organise Gau Irekia, a festival that brings together artists, spaces, organisations and institutions in a open programme with more than 100 activities in a singleday.