Petr Dlouhy

In 2017 I've established a new venue for independent performing arts Cross Attic.
I was thinking a lot about responsibility of a venue in the context of a city scene and about its role. By looking at Prague arts communities I started to feel an urge to open more towards international perspectives. To enrich Prague scene with artists that work in different conditions so they can share their experience with CZ audience/artists.
Also as I listened to the needs of artists I opened the venue for many residents and allow them to research in long-term scale (some artists stayed for a 1,5 year). More and more I am dealing with troubles of artists finding necessary background that would allow them to work with a feeling of security and freedom.
Transnational work became a big question for me. Especially in time when we have to be responsible in terms of ecology - I try to find ways how to make transnational mobility as meaningful as possible.since 2018 I organize tours (so int. Artists don’t come just for one show)
- since 2018 I support int.artists with longer-term residencies
- in 2018 I initiated project PRALIN with Performing Arts Platform Berlin and Nova Sit Prague that connects independent arts communities between Prague and Berlin.
- in 2019 I start to work on international newsletter that should inform venues around in CZ about international artists to help their mobility / touring
- in 2019 3rd volume of Performance Crossings festival I direct will present e-book with Europian festivals/institutions/venues that should help artists to orientate
And many more…
I think the situation on independent scene is not developed enough so the artists could rely on just on country. They have to work transnationally.
That’s why I think RESHAPE gives an unique opportunities to get connected on this serious topic to find new ways who to help artists in their work, establish/enrich functioning structures and make the transnational work efficient.